
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Surat Cintaku untuk Kekasih Allah yang jauh di sana

Betapa indahnya masa lalu saat aku baru mengenalmu, begitu juga sekarang saat aku telah menjadi tulang rusukmu. mengenang masa lalu serasa tak jenuh karena penuh dengan cerita-cerita cinta... singkat, tetapi mengena di hati. dan salah satunya ketika ku buka kembali memori yang tersimpan tentang kau dan aku di laptop cantikku, si Ceavy..... sungguh ku tersenyum membaca surat ini... surat yg pernah ku kirim padamu saat pertama kali kau tinggalkan aku jauh.... jauh diujung barat pulau Jawa ini. tepatnya tanggal 26 Juli 2010, surat ini ku kirim lewat emailmu

Assalamu’alaikum warrohmah

Subhanallah walhamdulillah walailaha illallah wallahu akbar
Wala haula walaquwwata illa billahil’aliyyil ‘adzim

Puji syukur ku panjatkan pada-Mu ya Rabb, Tuhan semesta alam
Dengan segala kehendak-Mu, hingga detik ini aku masih dapat menghirup segarnya udara dunia, menatap indahnya cakrawala dan bintang-bintang bercahaya, dan mencium aroma wewangian bunga melati kesayanganku.
Tak henti-hentinya pula ku mengucap syukur atas nikmat yang telah Engkau beri padaku, ujian yang mendewasakanku dan senantiasa mendekatkan diri pada-Mu.

Dan kini, lagi-lagi syukurku terucap dikala ku rasakan nikmat rasa yang Kau beri, rasa dimana ku tak percaya akan semua ini menghampiri relung jiwaku yang telah rapuh, terkikis oleh rasa kecewa yang berkepanjangan, dan bahkan mulai membeku dan mungkin akan terus membeku jika Engkau tak berikan hamba ini sesosok ciptaan-Mu yang begitu luar biasa indahnya dimataku.
Rasa takut untuk memulai, kegelisahan akan terulang kecewa itu, atau bahkan depresi yg akan membuat tubuh ini ringkih kembali, lemas tak berdaya.

Ya Rabb... sungguh ku tak kuasa jika harus Engkau suguhkan kembali rasa cinta itu tetapi setelahnya harus ku teguk lagi rasa kehilangan yang mendalam.
Ku menangis karena bahagiaku telah Kau pertemukan kembali dan Kau dekatkan sosok ciptaan-Mu itu padaku.

Memang tak pernah kurasakan sebelumnya dan tak pernah ku alami kecuali dengan dirinya di mimpi-mimpiku yang selalu kaya akan hadirnya, menemaniku di saat aku sedang kesepian membutuhkan sandaran, menghiburku dengan canda tawanya dan menghapus air mata yang menetes di pipi ini.
Ya Rabb... sungguh luar biasa nyamannya aku berada di mimpiku hingga aku ingin berlama-lama di dunia maya itu. Tetapi ketika tiap kali alarm berdering pertanda sepertiga malam, dengan begitu terpaksa ku buka mata ini untuk kembali bersujud pada-Mu, Tuhan pemberi mimpi indah itu.

Kekasih Allah yang ku sayangi dengan selalu mengharap keridloan cinta-Nya, ku harap cinta ini bukanlah nafsu jahat yang kan merusak kita di dunia fana, nafsu ini hanyalah nafsu manusia biasa yang sekedar mengharap sepercik cinta dunia yang kan selalu melembutkan jiwa yang kaku ini, cinta yang mampu merubahku menjadi sesosok wanita yang diharapkan, cinta yang dapat mempersatukan kita kelak di akhirat. Tak mampu aku harus memintamu untuk mencintaiku kecuali karena seijin ILLAHI, tak mampu aku memohonmu tuk membawaku pergi dari sini kecuali atas kehendak-Nya pula. Kini, hanya doa yang bisa ku panjatkan untuk tetap menjaga cinta ini bersamamu dimanapun dan entah sampai kapanpun.

Kekasih Allah yang selalu dimuliakan, aku ini bukanlah wanita yang sempurna untuk kau cintai. Jika kau bertanya hal-hal yang mungkin sekedar ingin kau tahu tentang masa silamku, akupun bertanya pada diriku... “apakah aku pantas untuk kau cintai???” sedangkan diriku hanya seorang yang lemah tanpa-Nya.

Kekasih Allah yang ku sayangi, entah seberapa dalam kau mencintaiku, akupun kadang juga bertanya pada Tuhan kita. Tak kuasa membendung air mata ini dihadapan-Nya di kesunyian malam, hanya sekedar berharap untuk dapatkan seseorang yang dapat membimbingku kelak untuk dunia akhiratku.

Hanya sekedar pintaku pada Rabb ku, ijinkan aku untuk membahagiakan orang-orang yang ku sayangi dan selalu menyayangiku tanpa lelah dengan keikhlasan dan ketulusannya, dan beri kesempatan padaku tuk cerdaskan anak bangsa seperti cita-citaku sejak kecil selama mata ini belum terpejam tuk selama-lamanya 

Kekasih Allah yang selalu ku rindukan.. kelahiran, kematian, jodoh ataupun rezeqi setiap insan sudah digariskan oleh-Nya, kewajiban kita hanyalah berikhtiar, meski kadang aku juga merasa gundah jika harus kehilanganmu kelak.
Jangan pernah kuatir pula jika kau kehilanganku kelak, cintaku masih tetap melekat dihatimu. Jika aku ingin dekat denganmu, atau bahkan aku ingin menjauh darimu meski sulit buatku tuk melakukannya, itu karena aku sangat menyayangimu karena Rabb ku. Aku pula tak ingin melihatmu kurus kering, sedih ataupun menderita karena aku menyayangimu lebih dari rasa sayangku pada diriku sendiri.

Dan kini, Allah menguji keikhlasanku tanpamu di sini, meski aku tahu bahwa hatimu juga masih tetap bersamaku, setia menemaniku.
Benar-benar kenikmatan cinta itu tak kan ada artinya tanpa ada ridlo ILLAHI sebagai pemberi cinta.
Tetapi aku merasa bahwa kini ridlo-Nya bersamaku dan bersamamu pula, dan ku harap Rabb tak kan henti-hentinya memberikan ridlo-Nya hingga tutup usia kita, Amin.

Selalu jaga cintaku di hatimu, dan ku kan selalu jaga cintamu di hatiku. Tetapi jika kau sudah tak mampu lagi tuk menjaganya, ku mohon segeralah berterus-terang, maka kan segera pula ku turunkan beban itu dan ku pasrahkan pada ILLAHI.

Tetap tersenyumlah wahai kekasih Allah yang ku cintai, semoga kau selalu berada dalam lindungan-Nya.

Wassalamu’alaikum warrohmah

Friday, August 28, 2009


Up to now many people always feel hysterical when they hear the word “cancer”, moreover they get it in their body, because it is believed to be one of dying disease which causes the sixth death in Indonesia (according to the survey of house hold health in 2002). Many people always feel shock when they are diagnosed to have cancer in their body and some of them may get depression, moreover if they do not know what they must do later. But in this world, there are still many societies who do not care about cancer and they even do their unhealthy lifestyles which by accident will cause them getting cancer. On the other hand, they do not know what the cancer actually is and whether it is dangerous or no for their body or their other organs. It needs our awareness and attention to know whether our body free of cancer or no.
The organs and tissues of the body are made up of tiny building blocks called cells. Cells in different parts of the body may look and work differently but most reproduce themselves in the same way. Cells are constantly becoming old and dying, so new cells are produced to replace them. Normally, the division and growth of cells is orderly controlled but if this process gets out of control because of some reasons, the cells will continue to divide and develop into a lump which is called a tumor. Tumors can either be benign or malignant. In benign tumor, the cells do not spread to other parts of the body and are not cancerous. However, if they continue to grow at the surrounding organs and cancer is the name given to malignant tumor. According to article from wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, written by some cancer specialists:

“Cancer (medical term: malignant neoplasm) is a class of disease in which a group of cells display the traits of uncontrolled growth (growth and division beyond the normal limits), invasion (intrusion on and destruction of adjacent tissues), and sometimes metastasis (spread to other locations in the body via lymph or blood). These three malignant properties of cancers differentiate them from benign tumors, which are self limited, do not invade or metastasize.”

From the quotation above we can know the differences of benign tumor and malignant tumor or cancer based on the three traits.
Is Cancer Dangerous?, is the reason to inform you all that cancer is like devil which terrifies many people, who do not know anything about cancer, without looking at who they are. Honestly, the writer’s mother has been getting cancer of cervix since November 2007, and the writer always has to accompany her to get treatment in Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya. Based on the survey, in the fact it is not attacking only the old people, but also the children. We are going to see many children who get treatment of various cancers in the hospital such as Dr. Soetomo hospital in Surabaya, Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital in Jakarta and others which have complete facilities to cure the patients of cancer. Commonly, cancer occurs in people aged 60 years old or more but recently because of the lifestyle of people, it can increase the presentation of cancer patients. From Wikipedia, it states that
“Cancer may effect people at all ages, even fetuses, but the risk for the more common varieties tends to increase with age. Cancer causes about 13 % of all death. According to the American society, 7.6 million people died from cancer in the world during 2007.”
It proves that this disease is really cancerous and life style in America is one of the factors which cause the increase of death because of cancer. It can attacks old people, adults, children, infants or even fetuses.
In this case, perhaps we can learn more what the cancer actually is and anything which related to cancer because it is very essential for us to keep our health from cancer since early moreover if we know one of our family or relatives has got this dying disease which may be caused by genetic factors. There is the important message for your health: what you do not know may be killing you by accident. So let’s find out to know about what else the causes of cancer are, how its symptoms are and anything more about cancer.


Firstly, the patients of cancers always get shock when they know that they are diagnosed to have cancer. It can influence their psychology and so do their family’s, whereas they are not from family background in non-medical. They always feel frightened and concerned. So they consult to the specialist doctor to know about their disease. In this chapter, we can learn more whatever about cancer.

Types of Cancer
In the fact, there are over 200 different types of cancer up to now the medical scientists found, but here the writer is going to give some types of cancer, quoted from Hello Magazine: October, 2005 and some references.
1. Carcinomas
About 85 % of cancers are carcinomas. They start in epithelium which is covering or liming of organs and of the body (the skin)
2. Sarcomas
These form in the connective tissues of the body such as muscle, bone and fatty tissue (6 % of cancers)
3. Leukemia / Lymphomas
These occurs in the tissues where white blood cells (which fight infection in the body) are formed, i.e. the bone marrow and lymphatic system (5 %)
4. Other forms of cancer
Brain cancer, cervix cancer and other more of cancers make up the other 4 % of cancers.

The Causes of Cancer
For many cancers, there may be more than one cause, but one of the biggest risks in increasing age. It is also caused by our life style everyday. Some, that we know, are able to increase the risk of cancer development; others may have influence on our risk. For example, smoking is a major cause of lung cancer and is a factor in other cancers of mouth and throat. Other factors are heavy alcohol consumption or drug abuse. By consuming preservative, flavoring spice and dye, it is also able to develop cancer in our body. Beside them, environment and occupation can also cause it. Contacting with certain harmful substances in the workplace can cause cancer, for instance certain chemicals like in dye factories, rubber, gas works and other chemical industries have all been linked to bladder or lung cancer. Environment causes include natural radiation, for example from the sun which causes skin cancers if its shine is too dangerous at midday. Even maybe it is because of virus such as exposure to HPV (Human Pappiloma Virus) is known to increase a woman’s risk of developing cancer of cervix.
According to Dr. Robert Eliot; the famous cardiologist, in Dr. Don Colbert’s article; negative thinking, anger, envy, hate, depression which we do not realize can cause cancer in our body. He found that the blood pressure will increase when people hide away their feeling till appearing anger or hate so the risk of heart attack and stroke will be higher. The over stress caused by negative thinking and depression is dangerous enough because it can increase our cortisone which presses our immune system so cancer cells begin to be formed and developed. It is right that cancer can attack all people, but one of the factors which are commonly found is lack of emotional expression. The survey proves that men tend to be able to express or release their anger but women tend to hide away them so mostly they can be attacked cancer more than men.
The other causes increasing the risk of cancer especially for cervix cancer are:
 Having sexual intercourse under 20 years old;
 Having many children (more than two children);
 Always changing the couple in sexual intercourse;
 Less keeping our clean especially in womanhood area;
 Genetic factors;
 Smoking, either active or passive smoker;
 Low social and economy, and so on

How to Diagnose Cancer
If we get symptoms of cancer, we must see the general practitioner soon to know more whether you get it or no precisely. So s/he will examine and refers us to doctor specialist at the hospital for test and treatments if it is necessary. At the hospital, the doctor will take our medical history and do a physical examination. They may have X-rays and blood test taken and possibly scans or maybe the doctor will do biopsy to you and the biopsy sample is then analyzed in a laboratory and the cells examined so that the doctors can see quickly in correctly. With scan, we can know the size of the cancer and whether it has spread to other tissues or nearby lymph glands. After knowing the type and the stage of the cancer, the doctors can decide how best for us to get treatment.

Treatment of Cancer

Some of treatments of cancers that the patients are able to get are:
1. Active Surveillance
Some types of cancer grow very slowly and may cause no problems for many years. In this solution we may not need to have any treatment for some time, but we can be given treatment at the time.
2. Surgery
An operation is done to remove the tumor. Surgery is often used if the cancer is only in one area of the body and has not spread. It may be used to lymph nodes of these are also affected by cancer. It can sometimes be used to remove a cancer which has spread to another area of the body, but this is not common. The type of operation will depend on the area of the body affected by the cancer and on the size and position of the tumor.
3. Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is the use of anti-cancer (cytotoxic) drugs to destroy cancer cell. There are more than 50 different chemotherapy drugs and some are given as tablets or capsules but most are given by drip (infusion) into a vein. We can see it in the hospitals in Indonesia, like the writer’s mother ever got in Dr. Soetomo Hospital. There are three kinds of chemotherapy, namely PVB, PAXUS and Carboplatin for which the people must spend much money. It is more than 1 million rupiah in each chemotherapy of cancer. So how many times people will get it and how much they must spend their money if they get cancer, will become a consideration that the health is expensive.
4. Radiotherapy
This therapy is the use of high energy-rays to destroy cancer cells. It is aimed at the affected area of the body is very carefully planned. It can cause site effects and the most common is tiredness. Before we get it, the doctor will scan the other parts of our inside body such as bladder, kidney, heart, colon etc to know whether there are other diseases and to know the position of each. When radiotherapy is done, the doctor must know the position of the affected area. So that it is not miss target which can cause dysfunction of other organs. Based on the writer’s survey, radiotherapy is the last step of treatments which we can get after there is not a good result in surgery or chemotherapy or maybe it can be used after surgery and chemotherapy done to get more maximal treatment.

So, is cancer dangerous? Yes, of course, it is so dangerous for us moreover for people who do not know anything about cancer and never care with their body. Although all of us do not know and so do the doctors to prevent the development of cancers, we do know that we are able to reduce the risk by making good lifestyle choices, also eating a well balanced diet that include five portions of fruits and vegetables, and taking regular exercise may be able to reduce the risk of cancer too.

After we know how dangerous the cancer is, until appearing much death in the world, let’s change anything in our life to be better. Have self control especially control our mouth, try to forgive the others, have positive thinking and strengthen our belief to avoid the cancerous of this disease, because keeping our health is so important. Don’t forget that the prevention is better than treatment.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Setelah beberapa lama aku mempunyai kelinci, baru aku tahu bahwa kelinci memiliki cara tersendiri untuk menyampaikan apa yang diinginkan atau yang dibutuhkannya. Jika kelinci mendorong-dorong tempat makannya, sudah barang tentu ia lapar. Tetapi bila kelinci bersin, jangan mengira ia kedinginan atau terkena flu seperti kita, hohoho…. Aneh juga pikirku pada mulanya. Ternyata bersinnya kelinci itu pertanda kalau ia haus. Kebutuhan air kelinci memang tak akan tercukupi hanya dengan sayuran yang dimakannya. Ia tetap membutuhkan air segar setiap harinya.


Kesungguhan menjadi pengikut Nabi Muahammad SAW, seorang muslim hendaknya meninggalkan segala yang terbiasa dilakukan dan di ada-adakan oleh manusia dan hanya mengikuti jejak Nabi SAW dalam aqidah dan ibadahnya, ketaqwaan dan akhlaqnya dalam hukum dan keputusannya, dalam damai, dalam dzikir dan pikirnya secara sempurna baik untuk masalah kecil maupun perkara besar (QS 33:21), sehingga di dalam diri manusia akan timbul:
1.Hidup dinamis dengan iman yang terarah tauhid.
2.Mampu melaksanakan segala aktivitas yang menunjukkan suksesnya program amanu, yaitu hijrah, Fihad fi Sabilillah. (QS 9:20)
3.Kebersihan jiwa sehingga mampu mengemban amanat dari Alloh SWT serta tidak suka meninggalkan tugas baik sembunyi atau terang-terangan.
Kiat menuju Al-Falah:
1.Segala aktivitas ada muatan dzikir dan diamnya ada muatan tafakur
2.Melihat orang baik, apakah kita sudah memilikinya
3.Melihat orang jahat, kita bertanya apakah sifat itu ada pada kita
4.Bila ada musibah, mensikapi dengan iman
5.Bila mendapat kenikmatan, bersyukur dan mendekatkan diri kepada Alloh sebagaimana yang dilaksanakan Rosululloh
6.Kita hilangkan dendam, sakit hati, iri dan hasad
7.Saling memaafkan

Thursday, February 05, 2009


"Bagaikan pinang dibelah dua, tetapi sejatinya berbeda. Kau dan dia seperti 2 hal yang tak bisa dibedakan padahal kalian tak kembar, makanya berhubung nama panggilanmu Ica, ku panggil dia Aci. Kalian adalah wanita yang istimewa hingga tak elak lagi para lelaki menyukai kalian. Benar-benar tak rela diriku melepasnya. Meski kalian merupakan pribadi yang kaku, tetapi kau lebih punya self control, kesabaranmu melebihi dia, maka aku titipkan dia padamu, Ca. Aku yakin dia selalu mendengarkan nasehat-nasehatmu. Ini bukanlah akhir dari segalanya, tetapi ini justru awal dari segalanya, awal dari perjuanganku yang teramat berat. Maka doakan Aa'mu ini agar bisa kembali meraih apa yang aku cita-citakan. Tepat jam 10 malam ini aku berangkat."

Itulah suara terakhir via mobile yang aku dengar sebelum menempuh perjalanan jauh semalam. Tercengang aku dibuatnya. Ternyata Aa' tak main-main dengan ucapannya 1 minggu yang lalu. Yang ada di benakku, akankah aku mampu mengemban amanah itu? Dan harus berapa lama amanah itu aku jalankan di tengah kegundahan hatiku dengan permasalahanku sendiri? Sungguh tugas yang teramat berat bagiku apalagi Aa' dan Aci sedang dirundung masalah. Orang tua si Aci pun sudah tak begitu merestui hubungan mereka hanya dengan dalih "Tak Sederajat". Halah... Bulshit bagiku, apa itu derajat? Apa itu kekayaan? Kalau di hati tak nyaman. Ku pikir cukuplah bagi lelaki yang telah mempunyai pekerjaan yang tetap seperti Aa' asalkan nyaman, karena ketenangan jiwa itu bukan pada harta semata bagiku. Memang mencari soulmate itu tak gampang rupanya.

Betapa hancur hati si Aa' mendengar penjelasan Aci akan hal itu. Hingga akhirnya Aa' mengijinkan Aci untuk memilih salah satu dari sekian banyak lelaki yang menyukainya yang sesuai dengan kriteria orang tua Aci inginkan. Tetapi nyatanya Aci pun tak bahagia dan nyaman dengan lelaki itu (bisa dikatakan pengusaha yang sok sibuk). Aci benar-benar mengharap Aa' kan kembali membawa kesuksesannya tuk meminang dirinya kelak.

Di atas sajadahku di tengah kesunyian sepertiga malam, tak terasa jatuhlah air mataku. Akupun merasakan apa yang Aa' dan Aci rasakan. Ketika ku coba untuk menelpon Aa' setelah shubuh untuk memastikan dia baik-baik saja dalam perjalanan, terdengar I-Ring Pasto "Aku pasti kembali" akhirnya ku urungkan niatku. Kemudian aku kirimkan pesan.
"Ass... A', luruskan niat tuk jalani ini semua karena Alloh semata. Niscaya Alloh kan mempermudah segala urusan Aa'. Jika memang Aci jodoh Aa', yakinlah Alloh kan menjaganya untuk Aa'. Jangan terlalu dipikir permasalahan di sini. Percayakan semua pada Tuhan kita. Sudah...Tak perlu dibalas, Ca tak ingin mengganggu. Fokuskan semua pada cita-cita dan harapan Aa'. Semangat ya A'!!!"

Semoga kau cepat kembali